Monday, April 29, 2019

Book - Berlin Calling (A Story of Anarchy, Music, the Wall, and the Birth of the New Berlin) (1963-2017)

The Berlin Wall was associated via the East of it and West of it.

It was also a mixture of some famous people from other countries and rebels from Germany itself.

They spoke of a "glittering ornament" which was "dangling."  I remember in I think the 2nd of Hidden Colors, they showed people from minority groups in the US, which included Polish people.  They showed 2 groups.  One had a lady with straight blonde hair who looked like my violin teacher.  The other looked just like someone else, too, with short gray hair, maybe fancied up, kind of big and not very tall but tall enough.  She looked content, like people today could too, though it was in black and white.  I think it was video footage because I remember the lady walking.

They have been called "poor but sexy."  That sounds like My Fair Lady or Pygmalion.

The border guards would chit chat.

Berlin had a rough time relating with Europe.

Here is a picture I found from a movie that came out in 1957 in or representing Vietnam, from IMDb.

Alec Guinness and Sessue Hayakawa in The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
Colonel Nicholson (left) from The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Saturday, April 27, 2019

DVD - Hidden Colors 3 - The Rules of Racism (2014)

When Africans came to the US, to be accepted they agreed to be Christian because they had it in Africa.

Failure in school is an issue.

Blacks are not helped out along the career ladder.

I think blacks invented toilets and made the white.

Africans had richer cultures in Africa.

Low class whites had a hold of them.

There were more white slaves than black slaves, and they showed a picture with some white children.

Blacks seem to have invented the most things, possibly, and it seems often as slaves, probably to make their work easier.

Blacks were better doctors for their white owners I think.  A mother or "the big mama" did it.

Someone caught 3,000 murderers, I think.

Adults ingrain racism in their children.

They liked white babies to suckle black women's milk.

Sometimes, black people take care of white children.  I wonder if it's a privilege for the children if they are American but not from Europe.  It's because black people do something Latinos do and like; they preserve their non-American heritage, like a cultural group, like it doesn't matter if they are in America because they preserved their culture and Americans didn't it seems mostly.

Black children must feel more restless or something on the inside because whites know they will always get what they need, want, and desire.

People seem to enjoy torturing non-whites, but Hitler wanted them dead.  They can kill sometimes but need to save most of them there because they want to torture them.  They rape, too, and new mixed race societies can form.  People think, "Tough, that's life," but it's not their life and people don't really take their anger out on them like that.  Whites still felt sorry for themselves feeling they should do this.

Black people may get in trouble, but they will lash out against racist whites.

Blacks kept coming to the US, not knowing how bad it was.

Allies become enemies after another side is defeated.

International things in some cases are all white.

Places outside of the whitest places have bad funding, like Germany versus China.

"Minority" is a big word.  They join up as people of color and different ways of living, in comparison to Europe.

People know racism is wrong.  You just have to be smart and know weak points.

White people asked a black, working, if other blacks were out there who'd commit crime, as such.  She said probably if there's racism.

Black people "have to be taught."

A lot of whites care about blacks, but Americans are picky and don't understand "enough's enough."

Blacks need the elderly, who reign at 70 and 80.

Monday, April 22, 2019

CD - Joshua Bell - The Essential (2005)

Joshua Bell (1967) is an American violinist.

Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E Minor - Allegro molto appasionato

I've heard Isabelle Faust play this live with the Freiburger Barockorchester, twice.  Peaceful and strong.  He uses good gimmicks.  How fanciful and delightful!  The fast part is some of the best I've heard and he played through it all well.  He's not just there to show off; there's so much more to it, it sounds.  Very musical when nothing else is playing.

Faure: Violin Sonata No. 1 in A Major - IV Allegro quasi presto

This is a good one, done against a piano.  It's different to play violin with piano, than solo with orchestra.  The piano is so powerful, but ensembles can be better.  Very good regularity of the beat near the end.

Brahms: Violin Concerto in D Major - III Allegro giocoso ma non troppo vivace

Very peculiar and quaint, like a great carnival.  Sounds almost other-worldly.  Sounds like a dance.  It sounds nice with the flips with I think the flute and some background like a distant tune, near the end.

CD - Susan Boyle - I Dreamed a Dream (2009)

Susan Boyle (1961) is a Scottish singer from Britain's Got Talent.

I Dreamed a Dream (Les Miserables)

Some of it is very refined, unbelievable in those parts and in that way.  Gets very exciting.  Her voice sounds better than a professional.

How Great Thou Art

Very chilling and extremely mysterious.  I guess I'm not alone in that you can make subtle, calm music sound appealing.

Amazing Grace

It sounds like she would be a good lead singer in the US, instilling a calm in others.  It has interesting points/areas and moreso than many/most other singers overall.

Silent Night

A nice beat.  Very pretty and introspective.  Deep and religious.  A Christmasy atmosphere.  Cute when it sounds like wailing in the background by the choir.

CD - 6 Brandenburg Concertos... (1979)

composed by Johann Sebastian Bach

directed by Trevor Pinnock

featuring The English Concert

My Commentary:

Brandenburg Concerto 3 - 1st Movement

Very well executed and diligently practiced and nicely blended.  Conscientious and attuned.  Beautiful and wonderful rhythm.  It seems like it could pass for a good German recording, with attention to some details more than appreciated normally in much of classical music.  Stunningly pleasing and in good saneness.

Monday, April 8, 2019

DVD - Hidden Colors 2 (2012)

Melanin is color.

Melanin is found in many things, including in the universe.

In the "survival of the fittest," those without much melanin won.

A war is going on about people who are darker..

White people in Virginia, US were cannibals, eating each other when they lacked food.

Spicy cultures like Arabia for example aren't like blacks in ways they seem Oriental.

Egypt is different from the rest of Africa, probably more like a Near Easterner.

Blacks have some traits that seem more Asian than Asians that's important.

The word "gypsy" comes from the word "Egyptian."  They existed in Scotland.

People in hot climates need big nostrils to cool down, they said to cool down their brain, and in cold climate closed up so as not to let the cold in.

Castles as a whole were started by the black Moors.  They were very black.  They said they were black except for their teeth.

Asia has pyramids.

There are black people in Asia.

Taiwanese are from small black people.

There are black Japanese.

There are blacks in Indonesia.

Ghandi was said to be racist to blacks, in various set ways.

The English exterminated all the Tasmanian's, and they were talking about Australia when they brought this up.

Aboriginal Australians were welcomed in Australia.  They bred them and made them mixed with white.  They were on breeding farms.


Some Native Americans were jet black.

Some people pretended to be part Native American because they had benefits.  Their children still live as Native Americans.

Some slaves escaped who were Natives I think and looked like they dressed like Europeans, in the 1500s.

Europe never made a religion, and Asia got its religion from black people.

It was suspicious the black abuse, what followed being distributing something like medicine a guy said can't be good.

Whites used black slave kids to rest their feet on for hours, thinking the melanin would cure them.

Mice of color have more melanin than a white one.

I saw white police beating a black man and he kicked back.

I wonder about blacks versus whites who have used or if they went through drug usage.

People apparently are trying to be mean to everyone who's not white.  People think the US was there for all races, before.  Now, we also wonder if Europe has an issue.  People have trapped this, and it seems it could be it's a plan for the rest of our lives.  I know it's still in effect now affecting me.  It sounds like a bunch of immaturity.

So, blacks try to better themselves financially and get cast down somehow, it seems.

There used to be groups like Polish, Irish, etc., amidst the blacks fighting for rights.

You don't disrespect a group of a race.  That's humiliating, shameful.

African Americans had better lives in Africa culturally.  They had respect and a sense of history emotionally and pride.  Their home was sacred.  Now, they live in the projects and in prisons and on death row.

People leave when a colored person enters the community but if there are too many.

Black people accept other black people who are different some but have something to offer.

People in the group covered in white garments/robes are pointed out how they still have them in their  homes.

You shouldn't avoid history.  Look at it as an accomplishment or bittersweet memory.

You can train an animal, but it will turn on you, they said.

They think you learn about your race and its place after college.

You want to feel you're worth it.

People like to have power over the oppressed.

They wonder if the slave master is the protector.

People free blacks and tell them they have to be God, like.

Blacks were killed in torturous, publicly deranged ways.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

DVD - Hidden Colors 1 (2011)

It seems as though in school that kids used to base their problems on focusing on people of other races being exposed to them.

It seems that dark people can be strong over white people more than Asians.  It's because white people don't reliably accept Asians as much and because black people are darker.

In Southeast Asia, there are black people that look like Asians in the white way.

White Americans are bad not to preserve their European culture in good ways.

Queen Charlotte of Europe (Britain, including Ireland) had black heritage.

Africans inhabited Europe long ago.

African art has been put next to Van Gogh.  I think it looks creative and abstract, which art can emphasize certain parts of its makeup, to make it overwhelmingly appealing.  Art usually seems to do that, sometimes, some alteration, distortion, or specific emphasis's or at least given focus's on reality.

Chicken pox came from European animals in being dirty.

Asians are witty, a sense of humor!

"Moor" means black and they were found about.

Blacks saw Southern Europeans and Near Easterners as black.

Moors made maps of Antarctica and scared away the Nazis.

They said being identified as Arab means you are identified as black.  They are mixtures of Eurasians and Africans.

Africans gave Southern and some Middle Europeans their language.  They are all related to Latin.

Ethiopia and Moors have castles.  Cathedrals are Moor architecture.  All the Cathedrals of England were made by Moors.  They brought in classical music.

They used plasma, which was said to be what the universe was made of.

Classical instruments, even from the time of Bach, the Baroque period and all others that followed, had the instruments designed from Africans.

Some foreign black natives of areas outside of Africa sometimes look like white people with the black skin and tempered hair.

The cause of the Civil War was that Southerners wanted to threaten Northerners by holding blacks hostage.  Southerners felt insuperior racially because white people are from colder climates, so this is how they retaliated, sneakily and slyly.  Southerners watch Northerners's every move, it seems.  It's not safe in the South for people with Northern blood, of the US.  It might have even sparked Hitler to form elitism and boost egos with the Nazis and cause WWI and WWII.

The Statue of Liberty is black.  There are chains on her foot/feet.

Someone said if a black and white mix that the kid is black.  So, a white an Asian, are they white or Asian?  Some people think Asians are good in some way, and I like Asian.  It might make for a fairer white in some different way but with a deep heart at the same time.

People are excited to say racial mixing is bad.

A guy said blacks don't largely want to be black and know they can never be white.  They are just different from some, like some whites are darker or lighter than one another, despite how cold their ancestral climate was.

Blacks can't talk like whites about race and get away with it.

Blacks have basic needs unmet, but Asians are never approved of no matter how good they are, it seems, sadly.

The women's movement separated black men and black women from one another.

A black or half black baby can have blue eyes.

A black woman said that it can go so far that women seem extra supported that black men look gay wanting to do things like women, like dressing like them in some way.

Black people come and score higher than whites, Asians, etc.

The Nazis made the IQ to test to give opportunity and eventually stop racism.

If a people is in bad conditions, they will seem less intelligent.

Someone said AIDs and things cause death but not fast enough to extinguish, like, through other problems or something.

Black men kill each other because they aren't properly sent to support themselves and their family.  Then, they come across another black man with the same problem.  Then, they kill each other.  They also get fired for silly reasons, etc.

So, black people are proud of their race but want to fit in, with things they have in common and come across.

Blacks make white comfortable for white supremacy to exist, maybe, it seems someone things.

The mad Tea Party was the children of immigrants, I think.

They said some black people get jobs at McDonald's or as a janitor, but ones in middle wage jobs get laid off.

You need "food, clothing, and shelter."

It seems Asians / Middle Easterners seem to try to win over blacks.

Black adults may discriminate against white children, like teachers to students.  Blacks want to know they are white in some way, too.

Blacks are "Americanized" or "Westernized."

Blacks are like Asians trying hard to be good at things and technology.

Martin Luther King wasn't safe because to some he seemed anti-white and even anti-black.

You should not march for rights but improve your own self.

It's about what you want, not about hating others for no reason.